our-scienceThe thermochemical conversion process is relatively simple.  The process includes size reduction of wastes, application of fluxing solution to the waste and heating of the waste.  This process has been demonstrated to be safe, effective, and reliable at commercial scale.  One hundred percent conversion is achieved in just 20 minutes.

Asbestos minerals are a group of hydrated silicates in the serpentine and amphibole mineral groups.   These minerals exhibit properties caused by molecular imperfections.  These imperfections can be exploited to encourage their conversion to other non-asbestos minerals.

Asbestos minerals will convert to non-asbestos minerals all by themselves in the temperature range of between about 600º and 800ºC depending on the type of asbestos mineral, but this reaction is very slow.  This slow reaction coupled with the superior insulating properties of asbestos make them very difficult to destroy by simple heating.  

By introducing a non-hazardous fluxing agent in a unique manner, an accelerated reaction is achieved that converts the asbestos fibres into new volcanic type minerals including olivine, wollastonite, diopside and other non-hazardous minerals depending upon the overall chemistry of the waste.  The reactions take place without significant melting of the material which results in a process that is energy efficient.  

In addition to complete asbestos destruction, any organic compounds associated with the waste are also destroyed and toxic metals and radionuclides are immobilised to the extent that the converted product achieves regulatory leach performance standards.